Friday, March 28, 2014


I’m linking up again with Emily Freeman to share some things I’ve learned this month. March has been fabulous, and I have really enjoyed the glimpses of warmer weather. In no particular order, here are 5 things March taught me...

1). Zumba is super fun. 

I’ve been attending a zumba class once a week with a couple of my girlfriends from church, and I have LOVED it. The first week I attended, I laughed the entire time, knowing that I looked ridiculous as I tried to imitate everything our instructor was doing. My hips don’t quite move like his. I’ve embraced it though, and I’m picking up on the dances better each week. When I come home from class, Chris always asks me to show him some of the zumba moves I picked up that evening. It always provides a good laugh. 

2). Carson, on The Voice, seems to genuinely root for the contestants on the show. 

I don’t watch the show regularly, but sometimes, I will watch it to pass the time while I’m washing dishes. I’ve noticed this trait about him when it shows the family and friends of the contestants waiting to see if one of the judges will turn their chairs around. He’s hunkered down with them, rooting and cheering the contestants on. Sometimes, he even shouts at the judges to turn their chairs, like one of the family members would. He may be acting, but it appears to be heartfelt. I find it endearing. 

3). Ellie Holcomb

I stumbled upon this beautiful artist through Instagram this month. I love her voice and the simplicity of her sound. I also love her name. Listen to her latest album here.

photo via

4). Basically everything on this list. Did you know it never actually says that Humpty Dumpty is an egg? Who came up with that?

5). Sketchy bowling provides lasting memories 

One of my favorite things about our church is our small group. We have so much fun with these people. On a recent fun night out, our bowling plans changed when league night took over the bowling alley we had planned on going to. We ended up at a very sketchy alley instead and were the ONLY people in the place. It left us wondering how they were still open, especially considering the peeling paint, water stained ceiling tiles, musky smells, and the dead cockroach on the vanity in the bathroom. We made it out alive, and Fritz seemed to be the boys lucky charm. 

The boys with Fritz

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