Thursday, February 27, 2014


I follow Emily Freeman’s blog, and at the end of each month, she shares things she has learned throughout the month. Not anything super deep or serious - just fun, quirky, unusual, sometimes meaningless things she’s picked up over the previous month. 

I started this post at the end of January, and then my computer died. Or so I thought. Currently, it's working, so here are 10 things I learned in January and February, or Janbruary.

1). I can say no to Dunkin Donuts. This is a big deal. I said no to Dunkin Donuts a lot in January. The same cannot be said for February. 

2). Weeky trips to the gym with Becky have taught me that there are muscles in my body I did not know existed. 

3). This is my most pinned pin. Cracks me up. 

4). My Tia’s first name is Emma. I grew up thinking it was Louise. That’s what everyone called her and how she got her other nickname, Weezer. Chris’ grandmother’s first name is also Emma. Chris and I thought it was Lunette. Emma Louise and Emma Lunette - who knew? Apparently, everyone except us.

5). Do not put a sticky note near your lips. It will tear your lip skin off. 

6). People do not know what the state of NC looks like. Every time I wear this necklace, I get asked what state it is or if I’m from TN or SC. I know it’s not super defined on the right side, but come on people, it’s NC!

7). Don’t open your eyes under water in a hot tub - even if you want to see what the bubbles look like. Fun fact I picked up from one of our 7th grade boys on our Winter Retreat. Cracked me up. 

8). Mice suck and old school mouse traps from Dollar General do not work. We HAD a mouse, and it ate my mother’s homemade sour dough bread and nibbled on my bowl of Hershey kisses. NOT ok, mouse! Target saved the day. 

9). Breaking Bad is good and terrible all at the same time. There’s no one to root for, and what did they do to Landry?

10). This kid exists and is awesome. 

Try this link if you don’t see the video.